Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Top Sites for Booking And Annotating

  1. Diigo - Excellent site for bookmarking and annotating w/ the ability to create student accounts, simply the best!!
  2. Delicioius - Probably the most popular bookmarking site on the web w/ lots of educators to be found!!
  3. iCyte - Similar to Diigo w/ the ability to annotate and then share or embed into a site.
  4. Rooh.It - A great way to highlight content on the web and then share w/ others and add comments!
  5. Digg - A popular way to bookmark w/ the ability to share w/ others, comment, and even generate a widget for a website.
  6. Trailmeme - An innovative site w/ a beautiful user interface for annotating web content and generating a unique user interface/path to follow.
  7. School Noodle - A great way for teachers to bookmarks sites and then share these resources w/ other educators!!
  8. Krunchd - A nice way to take a collection of sites and create one unique URL for all of them.

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