Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Tripline is a new map creation service. You can present your trip itinerary with details at each stop. You can add images and information along each stop on the map and even add music if you wanted, giving it a slideshow sort of feel.

There are a few different ways that you can create a trip on Tripline: use your mobile device to check-in at different locations and have Tripline plot those points for you or you create trips on Tripline is to plot them directly on the Tripline site.

To create a trip directly on the Tripline site log-in, click "create a new trip," enter a map title, then type the first location on your map. After entering your first location, you can add more by simply typing location names into a list. Tripline will place the placemarks for you (you can also rearrange them manually if you like). Should you desire to enter information about each place on your map , just click the edit icon to type information and or to add an image. When your placemarks are completed you can then select music to accompany your tour. Maps can be embedded into your blog or website. See my map below.

This is a great tool for education. Tripline could be used by students and teachers to create a walking tour of their communities. Use Tripline's mobile services to plot a tour while walking then come back to school to edit and add information to the placemarks. Tripline could also be used by students to tell the story of a summer vacation. Or students could map historical events or trace the path of a novel.

1 comment:

  1. Troy...try grabbing the small embed code from the player...or adjusting the size params manually.
