Thursday, April 18, 2013

Edmodo Apps - Class Chart & Flashcards

As Edmodo continues to increase in popularity, utilizing the free apps that are located in the Edmodo Store is one way to ensure you are getting the full experience.

Two free apps that can be useful in Edmodo-created class groups are Class Charts and Flashcards.
Class Charts is a behavior recording tool that allows the user to create detailed seating.  

Teachers create charts by uploading actual student pictures or use the app's icons.  Then arrange the charts based on learning groups or minimizing behavior issues.  Keep track of each student's positive and negative behavior directly from his/her profile.
Teachers can invite other colleagues to track and analyze student behavior and attendance.  Detailed reports can be gathered on individual students or entire classes.

Flashcards by Course Hero presents students and teachers an easy way to study new information.

Cards can be created or customized from the several thousand flashcards that exist already.  Students can and then save and share their sets with other students.

Remember, apps purchased in the Edmodo store shouldn't be confused with iTunes (or Android) apps, as these will only work inside of the Edmodo site.

1 comment:

  1. I would never want to miss out any opportunity to read out your contents.
